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The mysterious 10th M-SYSTEM lens

According to other websites that document M-SYSTEM items, it's usually said that there are 9 lenses that were produced back in the days when Maitani designed OM. However, there was one website which showed a photo of THE BOX of this lens - The M-SYSTEM 38mm F3.5 Macro.

The photo that was found online. (Photo borrowed from and Mark Dapoz's website)

According to Mark Dapoz's site, this M-SYSTEM 38mm F3.5 Macro has the serial number of "200599" and was purchased in Jan 1976.

It is interesting that the M-SYSTEM naming was dropped and changed to OM-SYSTEM in Jan 1973 so this particular lens was probably kept by someone until it was sold 3 years after the name change. Of course, it would be impossible to tell whether the purchase was first hand, second hand or even more.

Based on the information of, there are five batches of 38mm F3.5 Macro. 200xxx, 202xxx, 203xxx, 300xxx and 301xxx.

Probably only the lenses from the batch 200xxx are single coated while the others are all multicoated.

It's also said in the website that it's unknown whether any 38mm F3.5 Macro lenses were manufactured with the M-SYSTEM designation.

Accidentally and luckily I came across this lens. I saw the box and immediately decided to get it.

According to the seller, the lens was given to him by a friend who passed away years ago.

The box is in minty condition, it comes with the original bubble case and the lens. The PM-MTob adapter is missing though. I'll get one of those and perhaps a bellows or tube to use the lens. Indeed, I might not use it as it's such a rare item.

Lately got one more M-SYSTEM 55mm F1.2. I guess I will stop getting that for a while, unless I come across some super rare serials. The star of the photo is the box though.

The 38mm F3.5 Macro comes with this bubble case, it's the same for the OM version. It's almost like new.

The lens barrel only has very minor user marks.

The box has matching serial numbers to the lens. The lens is an OM-SYSTEM lens, so it perhaps proves that Olympus printed these boxes prior to the production of the lens. By the time when Leica filed a complaint to Olympus, they changed the naming and engraved OM-SYSTEM onto the lenses, while using the M-SYSTEM boxes. It's just my wild guess.

The reason for collecting this is mainly the BOX.

It might sound crazy but it's a piece of history, intriguing and mysterious.

Is there an M-SYSTEM version of the lens?

Where is the top holy grail?

Finding this boxed set does keep me hunting.

I do know that the top holy grail exists, the sad thing is it's in another collector's hands.

Someday, someday.



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