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M-SYSTEM 75-150mm F4 CLA

Mentioned in the previous post, the M-SYSTEM version 75-150mm F4 is one of the very rare members of the lineup.

Information about this version is extremely scarce. On Mark Dapoz's Olympus M-1 information page, there are only two entries of this lens. One of them is #102529 and the other is #102569.

#102569 is boxed so it's probably in certain collector's hands or being dumped as junk already. Who knows?

Mine is #100963. Probably this is the earliest copy located so far. Actually anything in the 100xxx range should be early.

I have met a super collector who has like 40 plus M-1 bodies and three copies of each of the lens, I believe he might have one earlier than mine. However, he's a busy person and takes very long time for him to reply.

Let's talk about the lens, it's a zoom lens but it's very light. Very long and slim barrel which feels a bit awkward to hold because it protrudes the body a lot. However, it feels good in the hands.

I accidentally found this lens when I was doing a routine search on the Internet.

It was from Japan. According to the seller's description, he got the lens 6 years ago and used it for the first year or so. Then the lens sat in the dehumidifier for quite some time. He mentioned that there's haze in the middle of the lens but the other elements are minty. The focus ring is smooth and the zoom ring is a little bit tighter.

The lens arrived a few days ago. I had a first look at it.

It's very minty until I looked through it under the flashlight.

The seller is really honest. There's a layer of haze in the middle. (I didn't take a photo prior to the opening of the lens as it's not very clear to show the haze)

I gave it a wipe and it's still there. It's so cloudy. I put it back and thought for a while.

NO WAY I can leave the lens in such a sorry state even if I am not going to use it much.

So I opened it up again and then tore it further down but still I had no idea how to reach the element.

It's an element floating in the middle of the barrel. I was very upset until I managed to slide a lens wiper into the slit.

It's not the proper CLA technique but at least I got the job done.

The haze is mostly gone with some faint marks around the edge, also there are some coating marks as well I believe.

It's 40 plus years old so not much could be done.

At least it's useable now (though I will not use it most probably)

A very rare find indeed.

It is also a very important find that leads me to the idea of completing the collection of the lineup.

I once told myself if I could find the M-SYSTEM 75-150mm F4 after finding the M-SYSTEM 55mm F1.2, I will try to complete the collection.

Now I am about to get this dream fulfilled. I am waiting for three more lenses to arrive, actually it should be two because when I was writing up this post one of the lenses arrived.

Hope you enjoyed the read.



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