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The legendary 21mm F2

After purchasing the 90mm F2 Macro and the 100mm F2, I didn't get lenses for a while but finally got the legendary 21mm F2.

I actually tried to look for the lens in Japan but many Japanese camera shops did not have these F2 lenses.

I guess the ones I visited wasn't good enough or maybe if I had visited those in Tokyo I would have been able to locate more.

Before this purchase, I actually got the 35mm F2 and the 85mm F2 in Japan. I sold the 35mm F2 because it truly wasn't too impressive.

The 85mm F2 was good but I had to sell it because I got the 90mm F2 Macro which is just too good.

I got this 21mm F2 in the city where I reside.

The lens externally doesn't look very good but the glass is acceptable.

I am not good at using wide-angle lenses, it's very hard to control what to include in the shot.

Yet, one good thing about this lens is that it close focuses to 0.2m.

It's pretty nice to shoot things close and get some bokeh at F2.

This was shot at F2 on a Canon 5D Mark III, it's not easy to achieve focus although I had those focus confirmation dandelion chip mount at that time. Now with focus peaking and magnification, focusing is easier.

It's not very sharp at F2 or maybe I didn't nail the focus because the flower was being moved around by the wind when I shot it.

I don't shoot this lens much because I really don't know how to use it.

But this lens is really one of the very few Zuikos that matches a chrome rim filter. The other one is my all time fave 55mm F1.2.

I usually keep the lens in the dehumidifier but lately I took it out for a spin.

Overall it's pretty suitable for shooting architectural stuffs.

Shot on A7R2 with some post editing.

It's a very lovely lens and I am happy to keep it in my collection.

Someday if I have extra cash, maybe I can look for an even more handsome copy.

Do you use the 21mm F2 as well?

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